Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee my dad reads my blog! ok, im proudda that... how many of YOUR DADDY's actually bother to read yours? *hehehe* kekeke *runs away*
Love you daddy!!!
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee my dad reads my blog! ok, im proudda that... how many of YOUR DADDY's actually bother to read yours? *hehehe* kekeke *runs away*
I was walking back from the library yesterday when someone called out "Hey nat!" I turned to see a few guys sitting by the roadside; one of them playing a guitar - his name's Sammat *thai*
Okay, it was the FIRST time I've led worship in church from START to END - literally. We started at 10:55am and ended at 11:25am. WOW now that was quick. Was it good? Hmmm... I'll leave that to others to comment!
Okay, it was the FIRST time I've led worship in church from START to END - literally. We started at 10:55am and ended at 11:25am. WOW now that was quick. Was it good? Hmmm... I'll leave that to others to comment!
Head down to the Media Package site and download banners for your blog! There are MSN display pictures for use also like this one here:
Heya dear readers of nate's blog! I have started a "Featured Friend of the week" column where I will feature YOU! My friends, on my blog! Picture and a short something about you! haha Watch out!
SHE ->
my suitemate and i have been having weird hmm... stool. we think that it's the water here so we're gonna do an experiment. we're gonna go down to town and buy us about 20 litres of water and not drink the water that is supplied in school to see if we get better.
What happens when you've got a priceless photograph? I wanna put it online so much! Okay... I shall but the faces have been blurred to protect the innocent!
"They call me Mr. Romantic, say me fantastic, touch me on de back and call me Mr. Ro....Romantic... smooth, just like the silk, soft and cuddle me up like a quilt..."
i've learnt in my horrible 21 years of what you'd call 'life' these few things. i hope you can learn from them instead of learning them the hard way. you might find it kinda crude but that's just me. i'm a theologian and i'm proud of it too.
i woke up this morning feeling all normal. 6am in the morning. drove Pappu out to muak lek to get a rose and chocolates for his girlfriend (first month together). so i got back and then it happened. after class at 10pm, my stomach started feeling all weird - i hadn't eaten anything yet... so instead of heading to the caf, i scooted back to my room and... diarrhoea. How nice.
Well... a green light was given for "can anyone hear me?" and here's an ad... well, sorta, if the program really kicks off, this'll be the ad that will be on blogs n websites!!!
Well... i woke up ready to go to class - but i'm in my room now. I missed my first class because my head hurts like i've never felt before! WOW! that's one word to describe it.
to end it all
This is Yvonne the "monyet" or "monkey" -she's got a rubber face - quite ugly so i never put it up here! hehehe She's got a sister Yvette who's older than her but then... more goofy than Yvonne... weird right? haha Oh well... :D She's the first of a whole lot of friends i'll be introducing to the world on my blog in days, weeks and months to come!
The sandman has yet to get me - i still feel pretty energetic despite not having slept int he past 24hours 10minutes and 32 seconds (ok fine... time is ticking while i write this so its not THAT accurate).
it's 9:20 and i've been awake for a good 27hrs 20mins and some 31seconds as i'm typing this. i went to play basketball just now and i had the coolest experience ever! you've gotta try it out one day to know what i'm talking about - brink of exhaustion and you play basketball - i went for a layup, a 360 layup and for a split second, i felt like i was flying! For real! I WAS FLYING!!!... until i hit the ground splat flat of course... then i realised that i was dreaming. But it did feel good nonetheless!
wonder how it feels like to lie in bed and not sleep? hehe - i just experienced that so for the record, i've been up since 6am, 11th June 2005 and it's 7:39am, 12th June 2005 right now. life is good, excellent and nothing can go wrong :) now, can it?
This song means so damn much to me. If you don't understand it - it's in chinese han yu pin yin. It just means so much to me... it does.
never did
I'm praying pretty hard that this'll be the right decision... for what? To spearhead an evangelistic program with my classmate - shimona in Singapore. We got this idea since we're in our 'public evangelism' practicum where we will be doing public evangelism in our own hometowns!
Wow... i've woken up early all week - almost! And to think that I'd wake up at 5:30am this morning when I've NO classes... i seriously do wonder why!
Things to achieve in the next 5 years (I'm 22 now)
For those of you who've got dust problems on your CMOS/CCD, here's a solution that I've come up with - it's inexpensive and can be done by ANYONE! :)
I know why ppl love this cartoon! I just watched it... a few episodes of it and im HOOKED on it! This anime cartoon really is nice :) plus, it's full of values too! woohoo~ im a fan of "Himura Kenshin" :P hehehehe lalalalalala
Some of you might find this hilarious or even outright rediculous but i find it really intriguing.
im doing this tonight - a shot of me every 30mins. a study of nathaniel and how he sleeps. yeap! have my camera set up and on time-lapse mode on my computer.
Okay! I kinda had nothing to do since it's raining rediculously heavily outside right now....
My friend Faith made a quiz that you can find...hereyou may not know her, but just go try it! It's kinda fun! hehehe :D
I finally got round to checking my yahoo mail and guess what! faithy sent me a baton! ahhhh! hehe filling it out now despite a very broken little pinky on my left hand...
my little finger is now double it's normal size - it's swollen! i was playing basketball yesterday and in my second game, when things were going all nicely... bam! my finger gets crushed by the ball while i try to intercept a pass. why!
ever dreamt of what you wanna be when u grow up?