Sunday, June 12, 2005

to end it all :)

to end it all
pain n suffering in the world
and all that's in me
to ease the pain
and feel for once ecstacy that you've craved
to feel for a split moment
adrenaline rushing through your veins
the thrill of not knowing
not knowing what will happen
how long it will take;
if it will be quick

to run away is to be a loser
to stay and fight is to be a fool
which would you be in a world this cruel
is there nothing left?
to hold on forever is foolishness
to give up is a sign of weakness
why struggle any longer
with the battle of words and honor?

if the sun is soon to set
to bring a blanket of darkness over you
to silence the cries of a little child
to bring peace for a few hours in the world
what more you?

to be thinking of another
and yet not thinking of your brother
to hold onto something dear
and never utter a word about it
useless is one who is just that
and toils in his misery
end it he should and quickly too!

to end it all.

- anonymousa

Now wasn't that interesting.


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