Playing the guitar...
It's been a while since i played the guitar for performance but this was a great experience! just sharing a pic :D cheers
It's been a while since i played the guitar for performance but this was a great experience! just sharing a pic :D cheers
For the first time in my life I sang a chinese song in public! Wang Lee Hom's "Yi Shou Jian Dan De Ge" - I must say that I was really nevous but the crowd was encouraging and I belted it out well! Yay! Did three songs tonight for the love concert... Oliver James' - The greatest Story Ever Told, Wang Lee Hom's - A simple song and John Mayer's ' Daughters.
Not just emotionally - i crushed two of my left toes just now... a stone chair fell on my left foot and crushed two toes. *ouch* - yes.. very painful. Was rushed to the hospital *I just got back - 1am BKK time* and was very relieved to find that all that happened was serious bruising, muscle tears and brokennails - no broken bones or fractures.
So I woke up today at 7:00am in the morning and did the usual. I just checked my blog and discovered that my post from yesterday didn't even make it! How's that to start my day? Well, before I go on with the rest of the post... I'll write about "If Only".
Its not often that a movie moves me to tears, and its not often that a movie wreaks havoc with my head - one did just last night. "If Only" - Starring Jennifer Love Hewitt... the scenes in the movie reminded me of my life - so reminiscent of everything in my life that midway though the movie tears just started to stream down my face.
Just posting... from my desktop! This is so coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool! okay.. gotta do my homework now! tata!
Yesterday was filled with - riding. Rode a good distance to the Mittraphap Hospital - the only one within about 85km that has a doctor who does eyes. Riding under the hot, hot sun was really tiring!
tomorrow's gonna be a long day - driving. sending a friend of mine down to the hospital for eye surgery... yeah~ i'll see if i can arrange transport for him... if i can't, i'll take him down and wait for him there. hope he gets well soon..
Well... to sum it up. This has been pretty much the worst week I've had in a long time. I 'gained freedom' that came with plenty of sadness without expecting it *and im still suffering from the shock*, I've been trying to get sleep which I've been somehow not able to get and this morning, someone let out the air from my tyres, stole an air-cap, tried to remove my sparkplugs (left the plugs out) and basically tried to ruin my day.
I was tearing down the stretch of straight road back from town and something flew into my left leg... yeah... it hurt then and it still hurts. I wonder why these whatever-they-are's fly into vehicles... its crazy! God should give them bigger eyes or better 'scanners', or as evolutionists would say... they should evolve and grow bigger eyes or have an upgrade in their 'senses'. haha
Matthew 28:19-20 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you"
a picture right now would be fantastic i think. i don't think i ever saw it coming - i was probably too blind and oblivious to everything. its probably time to reflect on things that were again. its like deja vu for me :S kinda sux rite? guys... anyone reading this? well... if im taking it bad, i know im not the only one who's in it. cheers God... thanks for making my day - you're fantastic. i'm sorry. i had to say that.
Tonight i'm gonna be leading worship after a full 4 months. Tomorrow I'm teaching SS... wow...... Interesting isn't it? I'm not really prepared... I think I'm lacking vitamin E too cuz my hands are peeeeeeeeeeeeling! The skin on my fingers and palms are peeling :X Yuck.
the yearbook is stressing me out and i'm not denying... sigh~ 10 pages i had to delete because someone in the team didn't do his work properly. i guess that's life huh?
Some people have this funny idea that brothers don't really feel anything for each other. I come from a family where I've got 2 younger brothers and we're tight. The middle bro has left for Australia (he just reached there today) and I feel a little sad already cos he's no longer in Singapore and I won't see him when I get back home in April. Literally a few thousand miles...
For u guys who love pictures... i post them up regularly <-- there!
Yeap, just as the title says... I'm guilty of not having updated my blog for the past 4 months or more! What started out to be a break from blogging literally took me off blogging! Gosh! Well, it's nice to know that I'm back! So many things have happened since and it'll take quite a while to blog down all that has happened!