does everything "bad" have to happen at once?
Well... to sum it up. This has been pretty much the worst week I've had in a long time. I 'gained freedom' that came with plenty of sadness without expecting it *and im still suffering from the shock*, I've been trying to get sleep which I've been somehow not able to get and this morning, someone let out the air from my tyres, stole an air-cap, tried to remove my sparkplugs (left the plugs out) and basically tried to ruin my day.
So far so good... i've been keeping my cool - what on earth did i do to deserve all this? I mean.. EVERY SINGLE THING... there's NOTHING that I've done that could even incur this kinda wrath against me. I've thought over and over... oh well... life's like that.
There's a saying "Life's a bitch and then you die" - I don't subscribe to that, but sometimes i feel like I want to believe it. That said and done... I'm going back to my work. Have a nice day people~
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