Friday, March 31, 2006

Doing Theology in Singapore

I'm writing a paper on my own personal theology and it is tough... apparently our school has this course that exceeds the level that MDiv students study about this topic! WOW! haha! I'm writing a theology that is based on my context - Singapore. I'll try to update you guys on it and perhaps even post the paper up here for all to read when I'm done... cheeeerzx~

Going to BKK today to update my passport! ahhh

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I'm counting down to Talent Night - April 2nd... I'll be doing the opener and my band will be closing the evening! How rockin' is that? Oh yeah... i even got a shirt that reads "If you can't rock and roll, dont wear me" :X haha! Its a nice tee!!

Elated, excited and I can't wait... for now, gotta hit my books again and study for my Greek test tomorrow!

Heads up! - My majors are all done - left General Education subjects... i'll be done by May 2007! WOOHOO!!!


Sunday, March 26, 2006

Glass on the floor on a HOT night!

Talk about getting a night where it's so hot in the room you can sweat, even with the fan on then minus the fan, lights, and everything that runs on electricity. Yeah... the power went out at about 11:30pm and didn't come back on till close to 2am. Chaos in the dorms with people running around like scampering rats trying to get off a sinking ship with the noise that can be heard from a whole lot of monkeys - it is amazing. Well, this post is about what happened... at about 12:30am in the morning, I hear this really loud crash outside my door - sounded like a huge lamp or a bottle smashed into the door next to mine and shattered all over. I opened the door to find... yeah... it was a bottle totally smashed up. Glass all over - it's INSANE! I ran over to my suitemate's room to tell them not to get out frm their door - its totally dark and they don't have torches. My neighbor opens his door and sees it too! First thing I do - camera - snap snap~ and there, i've got evidance to try nail the culprit - some thai guy i think. Doing a little detective work, it's a VITA soy milk bottle... i think the guy intended to hit another door but accidentally hit JJ's (my suitemate) door. I called the dean, Mr. George and he came up to have a look. I hope he nails the guy!!! Well, thats it from me at 5:47am in the morning~ ciaoz!! Posted by Picasa

CLAY's gonna play for talent night in Mission College :D We're doing Creed's "My Sacrifice"... complete with a video that we just did! woo! Yeah... I'll be doing a solo act too - John Mayer's "Daughters" - again... yes, i know... but its a favourite of mine! heehee~ The last time I did it (last month), was only before a small audience~ keke~ GTG now!~

Saturday, March 25, 2006

The Passion: Part IV

The pain is written all over Jesus' face as the nails are driven through his hands

The cross is then pulled up for all to see. Crucifixion, Jesus was experiencing the ultimate form of shame and torture of the time. The creator of our universe, our earth, of us...

The angry mob celebrate as they see Jesus hanging on the cross. Even the high priest is happy to see Jesus hanging there

It is only within a few short hours that Jesus breathed his last and committed himself into his father's hands. This easter, let us be reminded of what Jesus did for us on the cross - he saved us from our sins by dying for us on the cross. Happy Easter! Posted by Picasa

The Passion: Part III

Jesus falls to the ground under the weight of the cross as crowds of people look on, some in shock and some in anger

A man is picked out from the crowd to carry the cross. He wanted no part in it but was forced to

He carries the cross for Jesus from the city out to the hill

Placed on the cross, Jesus showed no resistance whatsoever. The Roman soldiers nail his arms and legs to the cross Posted by Picasa

The Passion: Part II

Pilate wants nothing to do with Jesus and tries to get the Jews to take him away and deal with him instead.

Upon insistance of the Jewish High Priest and the angry mob, Pilate orders Jesus to be scurged 39 times

Jesus is set before the angry mob after the scurging, with a crown of thorns over his head, the mob scorning him

Pilate washes his hands clean and the angry mob take him to be crucified. Jesus, already badly beaten is made to carry the cross up to the hill for his own crucifixion Posted by Picasa

Friday, March 24, 2006

The Passion Of Christ

It is easter and we had an easter program done by Nicholas Kirchberg and his crew. Here are some of the pictures! Good job nick!

Date: 24th March 2007 - Easter Friday

Pilate speaks to the people

The Pharisees and Saducees bring Jesus before Pilate

Pilate dialogues with the angry Jews Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

okay... thats the falls for u! its pretty high... quite far away from where i was... i used a super wide angle lens... so it looks kinda small~ mmmm!

Okay... here's another picture of the falls! not supposed to swim... but see some of my frenz there? haha... the guards saw us and scolded us for climbing down :S

Hanna standing at the edge of the cliff... u think it's not very high... wait till you actually stand there n see for yourself! The pic doesn't really do justice!!!

Dusty (Dustin) sitting at the edge of the cliff... thank God he didn't tip over the edge!! its a LONG LONG LONG ways down!!

That's Doca smirking at me trying to take a shot of her playing with the water at the waterfall! haha so cute!

Doesnt look like Thailand at all does it? Another view of Khao Yai - the waterfall. See the people there? So small!!! I climbed down from the viewing gallery to take this picture :D Quite fun scaling the rocks - me and my trusty and VERY RUGGED Olympus E-1!

Hot weather is coming and the river is drying up at Khao Yai National Park. It still looks nice though - the stream~

There I am... in a game - blocking the people from going past! I got pushed over... 1 vs a whole bunch is not a good idea!!

Caught this hornbill!!! so nice!! :D it's HUGE!

Monday, March 20, 2006

The weekend

Its been a pretty interesting weekend - friday to saturday was spent at the Khao Yai National Park (deer, snakes, tigers, elephants, hornbills and heaps of other birds)and yesterday, Sunday was spent at Korat, a city thats the 6th or 7th largest in Thailand!

I'll be posting some pictures of the Khao Yai trip up soon! keep a look out! cheerzz~

Thursday, March 16, 2006

The wait is over! - almost

headed down to the mechanic's about 2 hours ago and checked on my bike - it's all assembeled accept for the tank and plastics. mechanic was asking if i wanted to fit an alarm system for my bike - declined cos i dont wanna spend so much $$$ on it. nevertheless, it looks pretty sweet - black with gold trimmings! weeeeee!

i'll get some pictures up of it soon yeah? he said that it would be done by this evening so i'll be going down to collect it from the shop - it had better be finished! i've been waiting like for forever and it's still not done! GRRR :P

oh yeah, i'll be heading to khao yai national park on friday - saturday and then on sunday, to korat for some english camp for the people at korat (its a small city). will keep the updates coming! ciaoz for now!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Pentecostal Church visit!

My class visited a pentecostal church yesterday in bangkok and it was quite an experience - ICA, International Church Assembly. The worship was lively and though not exactly the best I've heard, it was something that lifted my spirits. The preacher really did do his homework and prep - u could see it!! There were minor differences in our theologies but nonetheless, I was impressed in the way he preached - sticking very close to the text!

We visited Carrefour after that and I got some stuff - starch for starching my clothes (i love it when my shirts are pressed really nice) and some sushi! yeahhh :D alright... Greek test TODAY was kinda tough because I wasn't exactly totally prepared for it - my fault!

For u guys who believe in prayer... please pray for 2 friends of mine... one of them has a mom who's going thru the final stages of a divorce (at court on friday), the other has a dad who's been diagnosed with 4th stage lung cancer (its not confirmed yet). Please pray for them... Intercessory prayer is the most powerful form of prayer that one can ever offer to God and I believe that it's about the only type of prayer that God will not reject!! Well... thats it for now.


Saturday, March 11, 2006

Sabbath Chat

Chatting with my bro benedict and he's telling me he got two cadavers in a row last week... eeeek! haha he was supposed to touch n feel them up too - to find out where the organs are etc. Hmm... i suppose that they were aussie ones... wonder what happens if he gets a chinese one :P

Its sabbath morning 9am Thailand time and I'm ready to go to church - problem is, its not time to go yet. lol! i've dressed up nicely and ready to go! just waiting for time to tick by. yup!

I'll be heading up to the dam this afternoon with a fren and taking pix there! Hopefully it'll be a good view - picturesque is all i ask for! hehehe~ watch out for the pix - meanwhile, a very happy sabbath to all of you!

God bless....

Friday, March 10, 2006


It's been a few days since i posted and so, here i am! Yup... lets see... what's happened in the past week?

Monday: Went for a field trip to temples! Buddhist, Hindy, Sikh and Secular temples... yeah~ learnt quite a bit - more than in the classroom! i think that field trips should occur more often, dont you think? hehehe~ you can get out of class too! So fun!!!

Tuesday: Went back to class and worked on the yearbook... so stressful! It's like THE MOST STRESSFUL JOB in the student council - okay, maybe the Presidancy is harder, but it is stressful - it helps that i've got a great team behind me!~ With no team, it's no success... with a good team, anything's possible!

Wednesday: I think i kinda slacked on wednesday... not sure what i did!!!

Thursday: did some greek, read up a whole book for my hermeneutics class and read the 'newsbyte' too!

Friday: That's today... i'll be heading down to lotus for some shopping! YEAHH!! :D Taking the bus... cos my bike is at the shop. Oh yeah - my bike will be coming back to me next week - with a box. I have no idea what it'll look like with a box, but hopefully it'll look nice! Lemme see if i can find a picture of one to post up here!! Won't be my bike but at least i'll have an idea. okay... no pic after searching. will wait till next week to post.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

March 07.... hermeneutics

i'm trying to write my paper for my hermeneutics class and it is rather tough and challenging... okays, enough of that for now.

things that are on my waiting list...

1. hermeneutics paper
2. dr. kai's assignments
3. 10 more days for my bike to be ready
4. 5pm - tuesday market
5. study greek tonight
6. watch a korean movie and sob all night w/ kishen

i'm kinda waiting for 3, 4, 5 and 6 more than the first two... but im not telling why! okay... for the number 6 one... it's supposed to be some sad sob story and it would be nice to sob a little (without others knowing) while watching the movie - gotta prepare some tissue. haha!

Sunday, March 05, 2006


Well... i lost the bet by 3.5 inches! oh well... who'd have known that the basketball rim at the school up there on the hill was 3.5 inches lower than the one here on campus. Went out to dairy home and had dinner there - nice dinner~

Aite... what next? well... tomorrow is fanwar's (my senior lecturer) birthday but we celebrated it today instead~ it was supposed to be a surprise but he actually knew it was coming! He played along and pretended like he didnt know what was going on!! He really knows how to act and he knows when things aren't quite right. Oh well~

It was kinda fun though~ We watched the movie of us at pattaya and laughed and laughed! i was such a funny person there... the video was so farnie!! :D anyways... that's it for today :)

nites all~ tomorrow's my field trip and im gonna bring my camera there to take some pics there~

Saturday, March 04, 2006

things are starting to turn around!

well, looks like late is better than never - things are starting to turn around for me i guess!! which is good~ lotsa crazy stuff going on... especially with Jaakko who thinks... seemingly thinks that he should be so totally involved with my life (its a nice feeling though - n h's a great friend!).

i'm actually blogging from the school's cafeteria! Wow! Yeah... Mission College is FINALLY going with wireless internet connection on campus - everyone's been waiting like eons for this to happen! I'm happy... will take my lappy out here more often then! heheehhe~ yeah...

i made a bet with someone yesterday that the basketball rims on campus and at AIMS (a school up the hill) are of the same height... we'll see who wins later :D can't really imagine losing cuz i'll have to treat a nice lunch/dinner to the person... if i win however *hehehehe* i'm getting the same thing in return! YEAH!! FREE FOOD!

talking about food and me.. i'm like ultra weight-conscious... and i've actually lost 2kg over the past three weeks doing exercises to help me loose the amazing amount of fats that i have... yeah... i'm still nice n chunky but i hope to change that~ (i always say that!!!) In 2 years... 76 to 66 kilos... thats what I call an improvement. I feel healtiher too and I'm still eating the food that I like!

cameras and me... still taking photos. I think i've found my photo side of me again... taking pictures to post on my APAD or APAW site on clubsnap~ check out the link on the side k?

Thats all for now... it's about 12:15pm thailand time now... this isn't my lappy and i've gotta go~ wish me luck for the comparison of the rim heights!!! don't wanna lose to a girl... grrrrrrr!!!


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Johari Window

Thought I'd post the "RESULTS" that are still on-going... Go do it!! :D


(known to self and others)

confident, dependable, energetic, self-conscious, witty

Blind Spot

(known only to others)

accepting, adaptable, bold, brave, cheerful, extroverted, friendly, happy, helpful, idealistic, independent, knowledgeable, logical, loving, mature, organised, patient, proud, quiet, religious, responsive, searching, self-assertive, sensible, sentimental, silly, spontaneous, trustworthy


(known only to self)



(known to nobody)

able, calm, caring, clever, complex, dignified, giving, ingenious, intelligent, introverted, kind, modest, nervous, observant, powerful, reflective, shy, sympathetic, tense, warm, wise

Dominant Traits

54% of people agree that nate-tan is confident

All Percentages

able (0%) accepting (9%) adaptable (9%) bold (9%) brave (9%) calm (0%) caring (0%) cheerful (27%) clever (0%) complex (0%) confident (54%) dependable (36%) dignified (0%) energetic (18%) extroverted (27%) friendly (18%) giving (0%) happy (27%) helpful (18%) idealistic (9%) independent (27%) ingenious (0%) intelligent (0%) introverted (0%) kind (0%) knowledgeable (18%) logical (9%) loving (18%) mature (9%) modest (0%) nervous (0%) observant (0%) organised (9%) patient (9%) powerful (0%) proud (9%) quiet (9%) reflective (0%) relaxed (0%) religious (27%) responsive (18%) searching (9%) self-assertive (9%) self-conscious (9%) sensible (9%) sentimental (9%) shy (0%) silly (9%) spontaneous (18%) sympathetic (0%) tense (0%) trustworthy (18%) warm (0%) wise (0%) witty (18%)

Created by the Interactive Johari Window on 1.3.2006, using data from 11 respondents.
You can make your own Johari Window, or view'>">view nate-tan's full data.

1st of March

Well.. it's the first of march. Wondering how come I thought the 28th of February wasn't the last day of the month! So many things happening and so many things have happened that I'm not even sure what's going on!

I spent the last 12 hours of yesterday after classes working on the yearbook and it's still incomplete! *ahh* (hear my terrible scream). I've gotta churn it out some time tonight... I'm done with most of the stuff but there's still so much more to do - it's so NOT AMUSING being the yearbook editor - it probably will be satisfying - the feeling, after it's all over, but for now, it's like...... *UGH* you get the picture.

Now... about last sunday - I sang my first chinese song ever! A song by my favourite manderin artist - Wang Lee Hom. I sang "Yi Shou Jian Dan De Ge" *A simple song*. It has been on my list of "things to do before I am ready to die/go to heaven" and I've done it! It was really nice and I think I'll continue to sing more chinese songs (thanks Dell for playin da piano!!) I did three songs... Greatest Story Ever Told, Daughters and the chinese song.

I got a few compliments that HAVE made my head swell... one of which came frm sumone who sings really well - "u sound like John Mayer" i was like... wah... okay!! Another said that I made the song sound so good. *ahhh* haha okay, my head REALLY IS SWELLING UP! Might just burst!

Okay, enough of that... I've gotten my fair share of publicity in school again. haha kekeke~ I sent my bike to the workshop for a respray... the mechanic offered a new coat of paint with a few upgrades for the spare engine that I had (limited edition 45HP 250CC suzuki engine). So it's gonna look different. Front fork, brake calipers and rear swing arm in GOLD, Frame, tank, body in Black and the rest Chromed! WOWZA!! Now I'm pretty sure that when I sell it, the value will increase. haha~ I'm without my bike for 3 weeks - good anyway, as my toe has to recover too!

Lets more on to other things... my brother and close frenz are collecting their A level results today... dunno how they'll react... hopefully all good lah hor? hehhee~ okay!

That's all for today! Ciaoz!