Sunday, March 26, 2006

Glass on the floor on a HOT night!

Talk about getting a night where it's so hot in the room you can sweat, even with the fan on then minus the fan, lights, and everything that runs on electricity. Yeah... the power went out at about 11:30pm and didn't come back on till close to 2am. Chaos in the dorms with people running around like scampering rats trying to get off a sinking ship with the noise that can be heard from a whole lot of monkeys - it is amazing. Well, this post is about what happened... at about 12:30am in the morning, I hear this really loud crash outside my door - sounded like a huge lamp or a bottle smashed into the door next to mine and shattered all over. I opened the door to find... yeah... it was a bottle totally smashed up. Glass all over - it's INSANE! I ran over to my suitemate's room to tell them not to get out frm their door - its totally dark and they don't have torches. My neighbor opens his door and sees it too! First thing I do - camera - snap snap~ and there, i've got evidance to try nail the culprit - some thai guy i think. Doing a little detective work, it's a VITA soy milk bottle... i think the guy intended to hit another door but accidentally hit JJ's (my suitemate) door. I called the dean, Mr. George and he came up to have a look. I hope he nails the guy!!! Well, thats it from me at 5:47am in the morning~ ciaoz!! Posted by Picasa


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