Hi all, lets see...
Elaine, Shimona, Minhui, Pengkong, Andrew, Pikyee, Jasmine, Daddy, Jun Jie, Gary, Trud Trud, luann, Benedict, Boon Leong, Jeffrey, Qin, Seany GOh, Wee Leng, Tricia, Pastor, Christon, Lionel See, JD, Edwin, Brian, Jeremy and Jimmy... *phew*
Thanks so much for the effort that was put into Youth alive "Can Anyone Hear Me?". I'm sure that it was a great experience for you all. The enthusiasm and oneness was seen in the rehearsals and especially on the two nights. I can't express how touched I was to see everyone working as one and so enthusiastically too! Yippie!! :D
Acknowledgement of the help is a MUST i believe and here it is :D NOT just to make your heads swell... its really from the bottom of my heart! or else i wouldn't be typing so much would i?
Special thanks to all those who made it possible (Alphabetical Order - except for God)
God - Thanks so much for guiding Shimona and myself with ideas and the planning for executing this program! It was a resounding success and we couldn't have thought/done it without You!
Andrew - You were in church so early to help with the Decor on the 19th, Friday and I'm so proud of the enthusiasm that you showed! Early to come and one of the last to leave too... not to mention, you worked so much! Thanks for putting up the decor with us Andrew!!! Your contribution helped a lot with the success of Youth Alive 2005!
Benedict - Thanks for being so long-suffering and helping out with the sound! You did a terrific job on the sound for the night and your contribution is not forgotten. One of the 'behind-the-scenes' persons who has greatly contributed to the success of the event!
Brian - You were awesome on the bass guitar and you've got talent man, as well as the attitude. Continue to praise God with the talents you have; hone them so that you'll be the best bass player in our church community!
Christon - Your prayers and help have been extremely helpful during the preparation and execution of Youth Alive 2005. Continue to be a light for the rest of the community so that people will be lead to Christ because of the way you live! Another guy who was a 'behind-the-scenes' as a member of the Stage Crew.
Dad - Thanks for your prayers. I know that though you werent there for the program, you were behind me the team praying for Youth Alive! Thank you for your love, support and encouragement! Thank you daddy!
Edwin - Your acting and musical talents are simply fabulous! Thank you for playing the eggs for me (special music), you made it 'happening'!!! Your acting was excellent too and I must say that you are really talented in it! Continue to serve God in your ministry of acting! Yes it is a ministry in itself and in the future, we should set up a dedicated ministry for budding actors! Oh yes :) live the dream, uplift Jesus in all that you do!
Elaine - Stage Manager! You did the job really well Elaine! I'm so proud to have a friend who's so good at doing what she has to and who's also so responsible! Thanks for volunteering your services and executing them to the best that you possibly could! You were amazing, putting things together and bugging us when we needed to be bugged, organising - you've an amazing gift that you should cling on to! Continue to serve God in your areas of Music and Organization!
Faith - Your prayers, support, guidance have been mercies from heaven to me. Thank you so much for being there, being so helpful, friendly, cheerful, encouraging and prayerful - it all added up to the success of Youth Alive 2005! The SKITs... oh my... they were SO GOOD! You are so talented Faith! You really are! The Skits fit to a T for my night and shimona's night! They were absolutely awesome. The team you assembled was fantastic too... hehe must thank the Director for doing such a good job! BOX OFFICE hit man!! Thank you so much Faith!! Continue to serve God in the way that you so wonderfully do! You rock!!
Gary - Prayers, support, guidance, planning ideas and so much more. You've been a great youth leader and will always be a leader in the church, no matter which age-group you'll be leading in the future. You've got a gift in that and I would like to acknowledge that! Thanks for also helping out in the program itself - your ice-breaker games were fantastic - original and witty too! Your contribution to Youth Alive played a big part in the success of the program! Thank You!
Jared - Thanks for your help with the decor! It was so amazing watching everything come up from scratch! Watching my little doodling of a man with a loud-hailer materialize into a wow... men all over, even on the DOOR! Woohoo! Thank you for your contribution!!! You helped in the success of Youth Alive bro, you did!! Continue to burn with passion to serve God in ways you can! You've got ART in your blood - let God use it so that you can bring people like yourself (artsy fartsy people!!) to know more about Him!
Jasmine - THe greeting/food party! Thanks so much for being there to greet the visitors and members, giving them a big smile and a visitor's pack! It was a small role, but one that definitely played a part in making our youth group warm and inviting to the visitors! The food was excellent too and I thank you for being a part of it! The food was very quickly snapped up! heehee :) Excellent job! THank you so much! Your role contributed to the success of Youth Alive 2005!
Jeffrey - Thank you for your presence and helping out with Youth alive 2005! Your prayers and help have contributed to the possibility and success of Youth Alive! Thank You!!!
Jeremy - The photographer of the two nights! Must thank you for helping us document the event! You've got talents in this very technical yet artistic form of art and I wish to acknowledge that and thank you for helping us to capture the memories of Youth Alive 2005! Pictures tell a thousand words and your willingness to help has been a blessing to us all! Thank you for making youth alive a success!
Jimmy - The photographer (again!) of the two nights! Must thank you for putting your time and talents to document this event! As I mentioned to Jeremy, a picture tells a thousand words - You helped to capture moments that would only fleet by and not stand still! There's one particular picture I so love! Everyone's smiling!!! AH!! Thank you for helping make youth alive 2005 a success!!! Continue to improve in your area - yes! Photography can be a ministry too! Capturing the atmosphere and the smiles and making people smile when they see them! THank you!
Johnny - From the emails to the phonecalls to the meetings. You've been so supportive all the way and I find it almost surreal - where'd you find a pastor who's so CRAZY to let people like myself go out and do a program when i've been overseas and a little out of touch with what's been happening in church? The support has been incredible, the trust has been unimaginable, the sincerity has been magnanimous. I can't thank God more for putting you as the Pastor of Jurong! Each time I come back, I see our church growing! :) THe advice from you, ideas, tips and guidance has played a great part in the success of Youth Alive! I look forward to more youth alive programs in the future! You've been given a task, you've taken it by the horns and God has been blessing you in your Ministry (task)! May God continually bless you and auntie Pikyee as you serve him as a servant of God.
J.D. - Hey man, you were excellent in the acting and I really applaud you for that! The skits that Faith chose fit to a T and your acting was just totally awesome. As I said earlier to Edwin, you've got a talent and this talent should definitely not be taken lightly as God can use it in many different ways. Who knows? Our church might have a 'Acting' or 'Drama' ministry that'll be a big thing in the future and you could be one of its leaders! I'm not dreaming, I'm just listing out possibilities because with God, all things and ANYTHING is possible! Continue to serve God with a servanthood attitude and God will bring you to places you'd never thought you'd get to!
Jun Jie - Thanks for being a part of the stage-crew! The Crew was awesome, doing the little things right down to the dot! It's amazing that the little things we do all add up to help the big picture look right! Thank you for your participation! It wasn't something big, might have been humbling, but it was definitely something that would be sorely missing if you werent there to help! Your help contributed to the success of Youth Alive 2005 and I wanna say THANK YOU!!! *bang chest*
Lionel - The lights were definitely special. We'd never done our lighting this way before and I am SO impressed by the way you learnt the layout of the lights so quickly! I mean, totally! You're DA man, man! When it came to the lights, it was fantastic... no one else could have done it like you have. Thanks so much for contributing. You were the right choice (obviously) and you made the program run seamlessly with the lighting. Excellent light control bro! You're MEGA APPRECIATED! Keep it up and continue to SERVE God in any way that you find you can!
Luann - The DECOR was absolutely fantastic! I sincerely beleive that it helped to create the atmosphere for the program to be successful! Its the first time we've ever done decorations like these - covering the whole row of cabinets and even the main door! Amazing! You guys worked so hard to get it done and I want to let you know that you're appreciated! You're absolutely talented in this and I must urge you to continue to serve God in this area too! Thanks for making YA 2005 a success!!
Minhui - The DECOR for the room was absolutely fantastic *i HAVE to repeat*. You're really talented!!! From the time I put out my idea for the decor to Elaine to when I saw it materializing, i was so impressed! You really are talented with the arts! You're.... artsy fartsy? heehee! THanks so much. The decor really improved the ambience and the atomosphere of the room - creating just what was needed for us to get the 'show' on the road. God has blessed you with talents in art and I've gotta urge you to continually serve Him in all ways possible! Thanks Minhui!
Peng Kong - You're amazing. Still in NS and you managed to be so involved in the decorations for Youth Alive! I am really touched by your sincerity and your commitment to the Jurong Youth Ministry and to God's work! I beleive that many of us have been blessed by your spirit of helping! The design of the decor was fantastic, the color combinations were really really nice too! You're really talented in this and I want to affirm that your efforts have been appreciated. Sure, they'll be torn down soon, but it's only paper. What you've built - confidance in others, others' confindance in you and the improvement of your art will not be torn away! Continue to SERVE GOD in all that you do!
Pik Yee - Dear auntie *sorry la, HAVE to say that :P* Pik Yee, thank you for being so supportive of the program and helping out behind-the-scenes for Youth Alive 2005! You've been supportive, helpful and one of the pillars that have supported me throughout my youth ministry! I thank you for that and also encouraging me in my spiritual walk with God! You're someone special in my life that God has put in to help me be a better person and I want to thank you for that from the bottom of my heart! Thanks so much for being there and helping YA 2005 turn out to be a success!
Seany Goh - Thank you for your commitment to the worship team. Your playing has improved and I think that with YA 2005, ideas and hpoes of playing for the next youth alive have probably settled in your head! Continue to grow in Christ and grow in your musicianship! It'll be difficult, but with prayer and practice, you'd make a wonderful musician for Christ! Strive to be the best and work on it! Thanks for making Youth Alive a success!!! So many people have said that the worship was fantastic. I thought so too... thank you!
Shaun Ramdas - Your singing and bubbliness is infectious! Thanks for being on the team! I really think you should be up there leading more - with your talents and with prayer, you'll be a great worship leader one day Shaun! Study hard, work hard, play hard and PRAY hard :D Thanks for helping make YA 2005 a success! You are appreciated!
Shimona - Your friendship and encouragement has been a blessing! You sang and preached well too on Friday and Saturday! I must say that you're excellent at planning and I look forward to working with you again! I think our friendship has moved on and understanding between us has improved! DA JIE! hahaha :P kekeke, see you back in School! Continue to grow in Christ, sing for Him, live for Him and show the world that He's someone you shouldn't leave out of your life! You're ultra talented and well, I want you to know that! Don't let those talents go to waste yeah? See u in schoooool!!!
Shuqin - Thanks so much for being a part of Youth Alive 2005 and helping to make it a success! THe visitor packets were so cool looking and very very much appreciated! Your talents have once again showed up to help out in the success of Youth Alive! Thanks Qin!!! Continue to serve God in any way that God leads and prompts you to! On top of that, you've been a great friend and I look forward to seeing ya again when I'm back from Thailand!!!! *want thai clothes? haha*
Tricia - Your acting was really excellent! Havent seen you act for a while now since I've been in Thailand but I wanna say that you did an excellent job! GREAT job trish!! Continue to serve God in your areas of Music and Drama. I'm so proud that you brought your friends too! Yay! Your contribution to YA is much appreciated! The skits were done so well and i've heard comments from various people including visitors saying that the skits were really well done! MediaCORP? hehehe well, continue to serve God and be a shining light for Him! Proud of you! All the best for your A's this year!
Truddy - Dear Trud, must say that I'm really proud of you for singing for Youth Alive! You helped to make the worship sessions on both nights memorable! Thank you for your commitment to the team and your willingness to learn! Your contribution to youth alive helped greatly in its success and I thank you for that! I'm also so happy that you brought your friend for Youth Alive! You never fail to bring at least one friend each time and I think that it's something that everyone can learn from! Continue to do God proud! I'm proud of you dear! Meanwhile, study hard for your A's!
Wee Leng - Thank you for being one of the greeters! You were the first few people the visitors met and you must've made quite an impression as they felt so warmly accepted to the group for Youth Alive! You must have the gift of hospitality and I want to affirm and encourage you in your ministry area! Thank you for being a part of Youth Alive and thank you for being a good friend! Your contribution on integral to the success of Youth Alive 2005!
Thank you all !!!!