Saturday, August 20, 2005

Awesome end to the week and a great beginning for a new one!

I think I'm sad because it's my last week in Singapore before I fly back off to Thailand and I'll definitely miss home (home is where the heart is... for more than just one reason!). It was a stressful week indeed but I'm not exactly all sad and all tears! "Can Anyone Hear Me?" was a resounding success and I've got so many people to thank!!! Before I go on, lemme put out a list of names:

A Big THANK YOU for all the following!

0. Goes without saying - GOD and all our mentors who have guided us!

1. Shimona - For being such a wonderful friend and 'partner in crime' - in this case, partner in Evangelism! You did a wonderful song and great sermon for tonight!

2. Elaine - For being so meticulous in organizing! You pulled the strings together to make things happen! Thanks so much!

3. The praise band - Sean, Joyce, Brian, Shimona, Shawn and my darling Truddy - you guys were awesome and singing/playing with you all was just a joy! Sure, it was a little tough - the practices, but it was all worth it!

4. The DECOR guys n gals - Joel, Andrew, Pengkong, Ming Hui, Luanne. SUPER big thank you for you guys!! THE DECOR WAS AWESOME!!! *WILL POST PICTURES*

5. The CREW - Wayne & Victor for providing the much needed hands on stage when the lights went out! You guys are so cool!! :)

6. The CAST - J.D., Tricia, Edwin, FAITH (ESPECIALLY FAITH FOR CO-ORDINATING!) for the skits that were so extremely well done! AWESOME!!!

7. Sound n Lights - Benedict and Lionel - The sound was terrific!!! Excellent job on the sound ben!!! Lionel - the lights were amazing too... thanks so much! GREAT effort and one thing - the program wouldn't have been the same without you on the lights!

8. Photo/Video - Jeremy, Jimmy, Johnny (The three J's). Thanks for taking photos of the event!!! and video too!! AHHH!!!!

9. Reception - Shuqin, Weeleng, Jasmine - you three were full of smiles and that was just wonderful! Thanks for helping out!!! I'm sure we made an impression because you three were there to welcome our visitors!!

10. Food - Mommy, James and so many others!! AHH :) You guys made the ending of the program bearable because of the wonderful selection of foood and drinks!

11. Everyone who came! Amen!!

OK, you know whaT? Im gonna post a different blog later cuz im so tired now. Good night!


At Monday, August 22, 2005 8:49:00 PM , Blogger Puz said...

Also Jared on decor and stage crew, Christon and Jun Jie on stage crew =) =) Also thanks to my bouncers, Ser Geoh, Weisiang and Boon Leong, as well as my lovely helpers, Jasmine, Qin, Wee Leng, Pik Yee and Barbara!

At Monday, August 22, 2005 11:09:00 PM , Blogger the_hollowbody said...

Oh yes!! :) heyy Stage Manager :D heehee thanks for being so on the ball!! REALLY PROUD OF U!! thanks for helping to make it happen elaine!


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