Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Johnny & Pik Yee groooooooooooooooove

Sunday, October 29, 2006

packed up

im pretty much all ready to go :( gonna miss my mom, dad and jer :( bye bye singapore!

My video on Youtube!

Back to Thailand

It's been a week of busy busy hectic schedules for me and i'm flying back to bkk... so long Singapore... till December!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

striking a pose... Jake and Mo get married! Congrats u two!! Thanks for the opportunity to capture your special moments!

Jake thru the window..

the marriage cert!

shimona staring into the eyes of.............

Jake and Mo sign the wedding papers!

Jake's drunk on water... hahaha!

Jake and Mo sharing a laugh, trying to explain what they said in Finnish!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

While walking towards the gate... all the shopping (expensive)

This pic was at the airport... the concourse area

Suvarnabhumi Airport (Gate D5)

Wow! Wireless is awesome~

Guess what? Suvarnabhumi Airport has FREE WIRELESS internet access! WOOHOO!! :D Im here!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Here are pictures of my field trip to "Mini Thailand - An Ancient City". This is a place where they've got replica's of temples and famous places from all over Thailand. The place itself is shaped like Thailand and covers a huge 500 acres of land! Pretty cool stuff eh? That was the very colorful bus that we sat in for some 3 hours! Woke up at 5:00 in the morning and got back to school around 9pm. Wooo... long long field trip! Enjoy the pictures!

The guys on my trolley tram.

Friends from Vietnam... :)

Some Khmer inspired temple :P

Buddha sitting on his chair...

A pic of the grand palace from afar

Thats the whole group of us who went on the field trip! The dude in yellow is our very cool teacher Acharn Prapai!!

Part of the King's Palace where we took our picture...

Friends from Thailand on the trolley!

My indonesian friends and half-singaporean fren :P haha

Architecture... look at the shimmering pieces of glass and mirror that decorate the temple's pillars.

The temple in Saraburi province that houses one of the footprints of the buddha.

friends chilling out in the shade (was scorching in the sun!)

A Khmer Temple... ooOoOoOh

A closer view of the Khmer temple :) looks like Ang Kor Wat eh?

A little "Jay-Dee" (pagoda)

The Floating market!!! That's where we had our lunch! woohoo~

That's Robert... the 'security guard' for the day! hahaha..

Don't know where that is... but it just looked good so i snapped it :P

a view of the temple which houses heaps of images of monks in various poses.

A look at all the statues inside... heaps of em!

All the images of monks... look kinda scary eh?

Nepalese girls + one thai guy

A view of the wonderful architecture and design of the temple that's up on a hill. Had to climb very high... great view from where we were at. There's a brid that flew into my picture there at the top (black smudge).

My friends taking pictures... this was a mini-scale of the temple... well, all are basically at this place called "An Ancient City"

A shot with the sky... wonderful day for taking pictures!

Ok, this is another old temple... can't remember where it is or its name... haha!

A side view of the buddha image that remains from the ruins of Ayutthaya from the Sukhothai period.

That's a buddha image from the ruins of Ayutthaya.

The Grand Palace! - a part of it. heehee

The interior of the Grand Palace in Bangkok.

Our mode of transport (sorry I didnt show this picture earlier). It's a trolly kinda thing... pretty cool~

Coming to the end of our trip, there's another ruin from the Sukhothai period! Whoohoo... Buddha Disneyland :)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

home is where the heart is

well, not really... at least, not right now haha... listening to some old national day songs and without reason, while listening to the songs my eyes swell up with tears :) i miss home.

When love is (not) all you need!

From Psychology Today

The experience of love is unique for every person, and using that feeling to measure the potential success of a relationship is even more subjective. Nonetheless, at some point most of us face the timeless question of what makes a relationship work. Though we can't possibly quantify love, we can look at variables that help us choose the right partner. Research shoes that a few crucial compatibilities make up the difference between making up and breaking up.

We are a love culture. Unlike some societies that think of passionate love as a nuisance that can undermine sound reasoning about whom and when to marry, we think passion is our truest guide. When we say, "He did it all for love," we mean it as a compliment. In many cultures, it would be said with pity or contempt. But not us - we sign with happiness when witnessing lovers who barely know each other connect as powerfully as lightning striking the Earth.

This approach is romantic, but it's also a little daft. Sure, being passionately attracted to someone is a great elixir, but making a commitment based on hormone-addled logic is a recipe for disappointment, if not disaster. We shouldn't be misled by fleeting moments of bliss. Love is not all you need, and you will not know - across a crowded room or even on a first date- that this person absolutely is the One. While some hunches work out (and, of course, those are the Cinderella stories), most do not.There is a real danger when you think that fate has delivered the One: You may stop looking for disconforming evidence, even if there are big problems (like his tendency to drink too much or her occasional disappearances).

Theories about love that are based on fate are not only untrue, they aren't even in the best interest of love. Of course, Cupid forbid, if the One does not work our, you might hink you've lost your true love and forego giving other people a chance! Choosing the right partner is arguably the most important decision you will make. In the last 10 years, a multitude of studies have shown how bad relationships can negatively affect job performance, physical and mental health, financial security and even life span. Certainly, such an important decision requires more than the adrenaline rush of infatuation.

When considering what it takes to make love work, it is useful to look at those who have tried and succeeded as well as that have tried and failed. Besides observations from my own work, I have included data from The Enrich Couple Inventory, 195 questions developed by David Olson, Ph.D., David Fournier Ph.D., and Joan Druckman, Ph.D., that were administered to 21,501 couples thoughout the country. The researches compared the answers of the happiest couples and found that the differences between their answers to a few key questions tell a lot about what makes love work. If we are willing to be rational about love, we can learn from others' experiences - and perhaps find and maintain a true love even after the initial chemistry fades.

My partner is a very good listener
Percentage of unhappy couples who agree: 18%
Percentage of happy couples who agree: 83%

My partner does not understand how I feel
Percentage of unhappy couples who agree: 79%
Percentage of happy couples whoa gree: 13%

If you want to feel alone in a relationship, be with someone who hasn't a clue about what you are going through. Or worse, someone who does have a clue but cannot understand why your pain is such a big deal. The two of you can be totally different people in a number of ways, but if a partner is sensitive to how you see the world and experience life, then those differences are unimportant.

Ruth, who has been married to Alex for 31 years puts it this way, "When we got married, nobody thought it would last because we were so different. Alex is from a working-class family; I am Jewish, he is Lutheran - everyone thought it was a non-starter from the wedding day on. But what they didn't know, and what has been the most important thing in our relationship, is that Alex knows how to listen. Really listen. No matter what, he can see how I'm feeling and he can feel for me. Trust me, that solves a lot of problems."

We have a good balance of leisure time spent together and seperately
Percentage of unhappy couples who agree: 17%
Percentage of happy couples who agree: 71%

We find it easy to thik of things to do together
Percentage of unhappy couples who agree: 28%
Percentage of happy couples who agree: 86%

Although it sometimes works if people have different priorities, most often, being out of sync is damaging in the long run. Allotting time in your day, your week and your life for your partner is an important ingredient in a relationship. If one person wants to spend every Saturday and Sunday relaxing in front of the television when the other wants to hike, bike and explore, both will feel deprived. This may not show up in the busy early years of child raising, but over time it can become a real problem. As Marty, an executive for a shipping company says, "The best thing my second wife and I do together is hang out, just be friends hsaring the same space> My first marriage was all about seing things, doing things, as if just being together wasn't enough. Well, maybe it wasn't with her, but it is one of the greatest joys I have with Ellen."

I am very satisfied with how we talk to each other
Unhappy couples: 15%
Hapy couples: 90%

We are creative in how we handle our differences
Unhappy couples: 15%
Happy couples: 78%

Marriage exists in a constantly changing world. Couples need to be able to talk about these changes, how they feel about them and what they want to do in response. They need to have a sense of teamwork, one arrived at by decision and joint action. If one person refuses to discuss things, one or both persons will feel the relationship is not intimate and perhaps unfair. And if no one's talking, there is no way to fix a problem and keep it from getting worse. Life is not static, it's messy and it requires communication.

Making financial decisions is not difficult
Unhappy couples: 32%
Happy couples: 80%

If one person is ambitious and the other person wants a lifestyle that doesn't support that ambition, there will be a growing resentment. Lisa, a young woman who has a small home-based mail-order business became increasingly unhappy with her husband, Rob. Both wanted a higher standard of living, but he had also promised that he would be "a good father to our children." Instead, he was around less and less as he became more and more entangled in his work. He wanted to spend more time making money; she wanted him to be h ome more often. Neither she nor Rob had given srious thought to how incompatible their personalities might be. As life went on, she felt more deprived, and he felt more resentful. Ultimately, they seperated.

Our sexual relationship is satisfying and fulfilling
Unhappy couples: 29%
Happy couples: 85%

Sexual incompatibilities can be fixed, right? And sexual disappointment isn't the worst problem when so much else is good about the relationship right? Wrong and doule wrong. First, while it is true that sex therapy can help many problems (especially mechanical ones such as erectile failure or pain during intercourse), it has a woeful track record when it comes to creating or resurrecting sexual desire. Second, while therapists can improve a lover's skill, either you have compatibility in bed or you don't. You can put someone on skates and they can learn to make it around the rink, but triple lutzes? No. Sex isn't important if it isn't important to both of you. But, if one partner is interested and the other is not, the interested party will rarely be content to just forget about it.

We are both equally willing to make adjustments in the relationship
Unhappy couples: 46%
Happy couples: 87%

I can share feeligns and ideas with my partner during disagreements
Unhappy couples: 22%
Happy couples: 85%

Although it may be mistaken for strength, rigidity is not a good personal or marital quality. If someone doesn't like to admit they are wrong or show some flexibility in how they view problems, the partnership will be either fragile or full of anger and loneliness. Rachel, a woman who describes herself as a 'giver,' believed she could change her husband's indlexibility. "I thought I could bring him out, make him less rigid by doing so much for him, by always being ready to see his point of view. But he just took and took. When I backed down, he would see it as weakness, not flexibility. Finally, I just couldn't take being so unloved, so I left." There is no marriage in which the ability to apologize and be fliexible isn't necessary.

My partner understands my opinions and ideas
Unhappy couples: 19%
Happy couples: 87%

In the beginning of a relationship, conversation is mostly self-revelation, which is interesting at first. But over time there are many circumstances that allow you to see the quality of a person's mind. It's OK to be awed by your partner's intelligence, but beware if you think she is less than overwhelmed by the way you solve problems, come to conclusions and think about life. The bedrock of mutual respect is comfort and admiration for each other's opinions. If that isn't present, contempt is just around the corner.
