Friday, September 01, 2006

the days

The day has been alright so far, though I didn't have enough sleep. Didn't manage to get any breakfast today cos I was late but I've eaten - so its not so bad :) Just completed my homework for Hebrew class. Can't READ yet, but I'm just about beginning to recognize the 22 alphabets in the Hebrew language. Hebrew's got no vowels! WOW! amazing eh?

Reading the Tanakh will be the aim for me by the end of this semester! hehehe... carrying the Hebrew Bible around and practicing. Yup... I'm actually copying out the alphabets one by one to make sure that I can recognize them - trying to keep my little brain busy with Hebrew!

Understanding Hebrew is gonna be interesting as well. My professor brought up something that we touched on in Biblical Exegesis a few semesters ago about when we realized that Judah was the type of Christ and not any other of his brothers! Nope... it wasn't the dude with the Technicolor Coat, but it was Judah! Well, you go read and try understand yourelf huh? If you can't really find out why, then ask me... I'd be more than happy to explain it to you!

Dr. Fanwar (my professor) said earlier today that we'd benefit from the Languages that we learn in school... i kinda thought it through, and its actually very true - most lay people won't be able to read the bible in Greek/Hebrew, where the languages hold poetry and descriptions that cannot be captured by the english language! Ever thought of trying to translate and capture the essence of a chinese saying? (those 4 words things...) You can't really capture all of it - you might get the gist of it, but the emotion and feel of the phrase is lost in the translation (lost in translation?) hehehehe :) okays... I've gotta go back to practicing my Hebrew... tata for now~


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