Monday, June 26, 2006

52 things to do on the sabbath

Interesting title eh? I found this book just when I was picking out books for my research paper. They actually have 52 suggestions of things to do with your family as a whole because it's so difficult to think of things to do that can involve everyone and also for the reason that you won't break the Sabbath.

You actually have to read a book to get ideas for things to do so you won't break the Sabbath? That was my initial thought... well, I'm still quite surprised that you'll have to think... but well, I guess it's useful to have a book like that huh? Especially wehn Sabbath is a whole day of do's and do-not's. Pick up the book... go ahead, or take time off from all this doing... and really spend time with God.


At Friday, October 17, 2008 10:38:00 AM , Blogger raingoddes said...

well, you gota go easy on some people. they are new to the idea, just heard about it, or just started to keep it, it can get confusing, especially when the've kept Sunday for so long, and they could do whatever they wanted to do after they came home from church. I know Sabbath keepers that could use help too! some do things that take away from rest, so its nice to get feedback regardless. some people arent as creative to keep things going, ideas to make Sabbath less routine and more in tune with God, is always worth sharing. =)


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