Friday, November 25, 2005

Nates Times

Well, its friday and it looks like i've managed to get through the week. It's been a long stressful week for me and what a joy it is to be able to rest after a long week of work! I feel the stress OOZING out of me already! yeah! I think that it's great o be back blogging - for me it comes and goes; the mood to blog i guess? Come to think of it, I haven't been blogging for a long time already. It's been the examinations, the tests, the mock exams, the spelling tests, the quizzes, assignments, term papers, research papers, friends knocking on doors, photo-taking for the yearbook, event covering and organizing, music playing and script writing for my classes and responsibilities on campus that has been killing me! *PHEW!* That was a long sentance! Alrighty then...

Greek test came back and I did pretty well! I'm so glad! My parsing has room for improvement but the rest of my Greek seems to be alright - okay, maybe I still have to study more on my vocabulary! I'm happy though! My GREEK NET Bible came yesterday.. and I'm waiting for my NET BIBLE will arrive! They're both excellent study bibles and they've helped me a lot! I'm reading my NT in GREEK - with the interlinear text of course - I don't understand GREEK EVERYTHING yet! hehehe~

I'm planning to stay for a full 12 months more here in Thailand to finish my HEBREW - That's something I wanna do :) I'm not great with languages i know but what good is a pastor who doesn't know any languages? Lay people don't know - okay, maybe some do... but if a pastor doesnt... HMMM!! BIG HMMM!!! you get the picture! I'm still awaiting a response from my mission cos they sponsored me... for a year and i'm asking for another year. okay... enough of that!

My girlfriend started work this morning - i wonder how she's feeling. I remember starting work for the first time in my life. i remember getting on the bus and feeling really nervous... really nervous - frightened of the boss, wondering if the people i'd be working with were nice... wooo! Stress!! haha :D Well, things turned out to be alright in the end. Working is a nice experience and great for getting extra $$$ in your pocket too! hehehe~

Alrighty! That's the end of Nates Times for today~ tata~


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