Tuesday, May 09, 2006

First exam of the 'killer trinity' over

Religions of S.E.A. is finally over... talk of Moksha, Karma, Nirvana and all the differents gods and goddesses, vehicles, consorts can slowly trickle out of my head for now. It was a VERY TOUGH paper and I'm not sure if I'll really score - I'd be lucky to get a B I think - I hope my GPA won't be pulled down :( Tough papers bring out the best in a student; so they say.

I've got another big one in the afternoon - Pastoral Theology. You wondering what it's all about? It's about what a pastor does and how to attend to various things... including mental people. Ahh... hehehe~

For example... talk about a pastor's personal finance...
1. Enjoy frugality
2. Be absolutely honest
3. Pay bills promptly
4. Shop wisely
5. Shun debt
6. Avoid sidelines
7. Never borrow money from members
8. Don't seek gifts from members
9. Be an exemplery giver
10. Save a little for the unexpected

and well.. u've gotta kinda expound on each point~ whee... another interesting one..

List Kotter's eight step strategy for major change
- Increase Urgency
- Build the guiding team
- Get the vision right
- Communmicate for a buy-in
- Empower action
- Create short-term wins
- Don't let up
- Make change stick

another interesting and very useful set of answers to a question... And then, tehre's the mental part.

List the four basic types of mental illness and give a short explanation of each.

1. organic mental illness - causes altered behavior, consciousness, perception, thinking or emotion.
2. Psychosis - causes symptoms like delusion or hallucination
3. Neurosis - causes fear, anxiety, depression, weakness, numbness, irritability, pain and discomfort, usually when under stress.
4. Other disorders - an amalgamation of illnesses like schizophrenia with depression or alcohol dependence with anxiety neurosis.

Sounds so 'chim' eh? man...

Definte psychosis - it is a severe mental illness that could be due to abnormal biochemical activities in the brain. Causes delusion and hallucination.

Something interesting about schizophrenia...
- it is not a specific illness but a group of severe mental disorders which have a number of common clinical features
- it is characterized by specific psychological symptoms affecting the patient's hinking, feeling, perfection and motor abilities
- it is NOT spilt personality
- Symptoms include:
1. thought disorder
2. hallucinations
3. delusions
4. disorders of emotions
5. disorders of volition
6. disorders of motor behavior

wahhhhhh......haha~ see it's so tough. Mmmm gotta go revise now. Tata!


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