Monday, May 15, 2006

Blogging on the way to/ in Chiang Mai

Monday, 15th May 2006
It's about 7:00am in the morning and I'm at Nong Lom train station - one of the countless stops that the train has made over the night. Got on the train at about 8:30pm last night and had a hard time sleeping. It's been an interesting experience so far for one who hasn't sat on a rickety old train that has been converted to have air-conditioning. The seats are fairly comfortable for short rides but definitely not-so-comfortable for an overnight trip - as I'm experiencing. Surprisingly, they keep serving food! I've still got 2 packets of food that I haven't exactly consumed.

Okay, we're starting to move... lets see now. The train ride - yes... I couldn't sleep all night. The train kept shaking and while moving at a high speed, the train kept bumping left and right every few seconds! At a high speed, it kinda knocked us around pretty bad and I was wondering if the train would infact topple over! Thank God it hasn't toppled over or derailed yet... haha... I actually think it would be quite an experience if it actually did! I have a strange feeling that I'll be sleeping much of the morning when we check into the hotel! *yawn* yeah... uberly tired! GOSH! My lappy's running low on batteries... down to my last '15 mins' of power so I think I shall stop for now.

It's 2:00pm right now and I've walked around the old city area, back at the hotel to sleep coz so tired :S nites... till tonight - night bazzar!!!!


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