Saturday, April 16, 2005

I dont wanna go

packing my bags, i dont wanna go
a shirt at a time, why couldnt time go slow?
im fighting my tears, i dont wanna go
my plane leaves at 905, but i dont wanna go
im leaving you behind, why is it so
why couldnt it be different, i wouldnt know
in the midst of confusion i try to hide
but for me you look for, throughout the night
i can't help but watch as time ticks away
from the night it will be tomorrow, a new day
i hope that my dreams will soon come true
to finish it all and end up with you
my fears arent unfounded, they're there cos of me
the things i've decided now all i'm regeretting
there's not a regret is a thing of a past
for most all that i waved of is haunting me fast
the future's uncertain for me at the moment
with thoughts all coming from all directions
which should i follow my head or my heart
i dont wish to drag it anymore
so tell me my fortune, tell me my plight
what shall i do to make it all right
to follow my instincts, which have failed me so often
or to follow my head where nothing much hardens
in a state of confusion i wish to end
this really stupid poem which really has no real end...
flying off tomorrow 9:05am
i'm leaving on a jet plan
not sure when i'll be back again
it really depends on my heart and my head
go figure it out before i'm dead


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