Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Jeans and trouble

"We got away without a complaint this time" - that's what Fanwar said on monday morning about the youth worship (pics posted a few threads below) the previous saturday. Turns out that complaints started coming in on monday evening... so he wasn't spared the remarks from those who really don't like it when the younger people (students) lead out the worship services.

Some background -Dr Wann Fanwar, my prof. is in-charge of youth worships that happen once every two months i believe. Everytime there is a youth worship, he gets flak for 1. length of the program 2. dressing of those involved 3. music that is provided or something else - if it isn't in the three categories already.

I led worship last sabbath wearing... jeans and a dress shirt with tan shoes. seems decent enough for me but some people, who already don't like my style of worship leading went up to Dr Fanwar and gave him a lecture on what i should have worn. ah... are jeans that irreverent? They were pressed...they didn't have holes... i didn't wear sneakers or sports shoes... they're comfortable... they're what the people of my age wear. if those guys want to make me a clone of them... i dont think they're going to succeed :S

To let you (the reader) think a little... when we youth/young adults are their age (the guys who are complaining), will we also comment about dress, music, hairstyle etc? Some food for thought... we always deem what we see fit to be fit for a certain situation, most of the time not putting into consideration the time that has gone by since we last 'updated' ourselves. hmmm :)


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